| | [Sezonul 16] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E34) - Germania - Argentina (Marea Finala BRAZILIA 2014).mp3 (7.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E35) - Brazilia - Germania (MACELUL).mp3 (5.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E21) - Romania - Argentina.mp3 (4.06 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E32) - Ziua Drapelului.mp3 (3.88 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E20) - Martisor in Ghencea (Steaua - Dinamo).mp3 (3.88 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E33) - Bacul cu 10.mp3 (3.83 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E15) - Unguru' la Olimpiada.mp3 (3.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E16) - Micii.mp3 (3.55 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E04) - Invăţătoarea şpăgară.mp3 (3.45 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E19) - Somerul pretentios.mp3 (3.41 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E26) - Pregatiti de razboi.mp3 (3.24 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E31) - Trafaletul Sfintit.mp3 (3.20 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E11) - Cod Rosu de Rovinieta.mp3 (3.18 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E18) - Clatita Uriasa.mp3 (3.17 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E14) - Localizare GPS.mp3 (3.12 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E10) - Nefericitul.mp3 (3.11 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E27) - Inundatii romanesti.mp3 (3.08 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E24) - Sah Mat in scoli.mp3 (3.07 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E03) - Romanii invadeaza Anglia.mp3 (3.01 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E17) - Simularea Nationala.mp3 (3.01 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E23) - Un Trabant furat.mp3 (2.97 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E08) - Alcoolicul.mp3 (2.94 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E22) - Bany cu Ygrec.mp3 (2.93 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E30) - Eu cu cine votez_.mp3 (2.91 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E06) - Tablourile din Certeze.mp3 (2.84 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E29) - Conchita Cârnat.mp3 (2.84 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E02) - Boboteaza vs Ion.mp3 (2.83 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E01) - Sorcova privata.mp3 (2.83 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E12) - Vlad C8iliches.mp3 (2.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E28) - Pastele Blajinilor.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E07) - Ziua lui Eminescu.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E13) - Pitbullul de Zapada.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E09) - Elevul Silifumator.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E05) - Gândacul.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S16E25) - Ridicari Auto.mp3 (2.51 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 15] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E33) - Romania Ungaria, macelul de pe National Arena.mp3 (4.55 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E63 ) - Romania-Grecia, Baraj. Batalia 2 - Delirul.mp3 (4.00 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E34) - Romania - Turcia, alt masacru de pe National Arena.mp3 (3.67 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E14) - Micul Print.mp3 (3.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E62) - Romania-Grecia, Baraj. Batalia 1 - Pireu.mp3 (3.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E28) - Steaua - Legia Varsovia.mp3 (3.53 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E67) - Pentru Romania, de 1 decembrie.mp3 (3.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E43) - Steaua - Chelsea, scor brazilian.mp3 (3.51 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E22) - Dinamo Steaua, derby romanesc.mp3 (3.49 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E42) - Se marita Bianca.mp3 (3.35 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E71) - Educatie sexuala.mp3 (3.34 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E10) - Greu de pensionat.mp3 (3.29 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E45) - Trusa de cutremur.mp3 (3.23 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E13) - Postliceala.mp3 (3.16 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E11) - Tablourile din Rotterdam.mp3 (3.15 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E02) - Doamna cu coasa.mp3 (3.13 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E05) - Bacul 2013, succes negativ.mp3 (3.12 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E07) - Taxi Gratis.mp3 (3.11 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E31) - Rosia Montana.mp3 (3.07 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E32) - IFA Berlin 2013.mp3 (3.04 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E57) - Banca de Salvare.mp3 (3.04 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E72) - Porcul Online.mp3 (3.02 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E04) - Preot si politist.mp3 (3.01 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E41) - Steaua - Barsana, meci cu palinca.mp3 (2.96 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E70) - Colindatorul prematur.mp3 (2.95 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E44) - Romania, Tara Cutremurelor.mp3 (2.94 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E15) - Asigurarea Divina.mp3 (2.93 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E38) - Tableta.mp3 (2.90 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E73) - Serbarea Scolara de Craciun.mp3 (2.88 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E64) - Black Friday la români.mp3 (2.87 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E39) - Protestul biciclistilor.mp3 (2.87 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E49) - Mergem la Baraj!.mp3 (2.85 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E60) - SUV-uri pentru patrie.mp3 (2.81 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E01) - Sânzienele.mp3 (2.79 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E40) - Zilierul.mp3 (2.79 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E29) - Hotul de fier vechi.mp3 (2.79 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E74) - Bursa Porcului de Craciun.mp3 (2.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E36) - Inapoi la scoala!.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E25) - Pasarelele.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E17) - Foc in Moscova.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E35) - Cum sa ne aparam de maidanezi.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E20) - Trabantul in flacari 2.mp3 (2.71 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E46) - Testoasa anti cutremur.mp3 (2.71 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E76) - Dupa 24 de ani.mp3 (2.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E58) - Impozit pe orice.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E09) - Trabantul 220.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E69) - Mos Nicolae 3.mp3 (2.68 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E77) - Hrusca vs Fuego.mp3 (2.62 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E21) - Scoala de scutere.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E24) - Marina Romana.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E37) - Bere, whisky si femei.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E06) - Licean in Romania.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E51) - Miting pentru Basarabia.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E68) - Artificii.mp3 (2.57 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E48) - Catalog Online.mp3 (2.55 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E78) - Colindatorii lui Gigi.mp3 (2.53 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E56) - Luminatia.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E55) - HALLOWEEN Nereusit.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E53) - Marele Mars al Secuilor.mp3 (2.46 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E30) - Raisa.mp3 (2.44 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E50) - Gazele de şist.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E23) - Perseidele.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E79) - Vanghelion 2014.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E61) - Postul Craciunului.mp3 (2.42 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E66) - Ninge in România!.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E54) - La Defrisat.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E52) - Steaua-Basel.mp3 (2.36 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E08) - Cu Rulota pe Litoral.mp3 (2.36 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E18) - Podul Fetesti Cernavoda.mp3 (2.34 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E59) - Nunta lui Ilie Nastase.mp3 (2.33 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E80) - Obiective pentru 2014.mp3 (2.31 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E75) - Limbaje Hrusciene de Craciun PART 2.mp3 (2.25 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E12) - Cartela.mp3 (2.25 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E47) - Salvati Rablele!.mp3 (2.24 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E27) - 23 august.mp3 (2.23 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E16) - Canicula 2.mp3 (2.14 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E65) - Targul de Carte.mp3 (2.10 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E26) - Salina Batman.mp3 (2.09 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E19) - Alo, Politia.mp3 (1.87 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S15E03) - Pitonul.mp3 (1.57 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 14] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E22) - Steaua - Ajax.mp3 (4.10 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E66) - Batalia Trinidad Tobagoleza.mp3 (3.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E28) - Rugaciunea Stelei.mp3 (3.35 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E36) - Cu Piturca inainte!.mp3 (3.32 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E44) - Serata in Giulesti (Rapid - Steaua 1-1).mp3 (3.26 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E06) - Eminemscu.mp3 (3.26 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E04) - Români la CES 2013.mp3 (3.19 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E29) - Mucenicul.mp3 (3.11 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E39) - Defunctul privat.mp3 (3.09 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E46) - Trupele Speciale Române.mp3 (3.07 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E37) - Un betiv la semafor.mp3 (3.02 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E31) - Pe Stamford Bridge.mp3 (3.00 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E16) - Viagra.mp3 (2.99 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E23) - Oscarurile Romanesti.mp3 (2.96 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E01) - Primiti cu Popa.mp3 (2.94 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E52) - Prohodul Micilor.mp3 (2.94 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E42) - Leii.mp3 (2.94 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E07) - Atentie Deficitara.mp3 (2.93 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E62) - Reciful.mp3 (2.91 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E60) - Scrisoarea lui Gigi.mp3 (2.89 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E63) - Sarbatoarea Stelei.mp3 (2.89 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E18) - Politistul Adormit.mp3 (2.89 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E48) - Autostrada A3.mp3 (2.89 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E40) - Bolentin de Bulibasa.mp3 (2.87 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E12) - Culturistul.mp3 (2.85 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E58) - Masina de Posta.mp3 (2.84 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E43) - Bulan Air.mp3 (2.83 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E30) - Habemus fum negru.mp3 (2.81 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E69) - Digul.mp3 (2.80 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E25) - Martisoare Handmade.mp3 (2.78 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E45) - Educatie pentru sanatate.mp3 (2.74 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E68) - Ungaria sub ape.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E21) - Sa vorbim corect!.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E24) - Scoci pe gura.mp3 (2.66 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E14) - Dallasu Mic.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E67) - Scrisoarea a II a.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E10) - Unirea.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E20) - FOTE.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E51) - 1 mai vintage.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E26) - Preotul Şugubăţ.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E56) - Transhumanta cu Jeepul.mp3 (2.60 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E32) - De ce sarbatoresc românii Sf. Patrick.mp3 (2.57 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E09) - Inmormantarea OTV.mp3 (2.56 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E13) - Romania vs. Marea Britanie.mp3 (2.56 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E15) - Ciobanul.mp3 (2.56 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E02) - Ion.mp3 (2.53 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E05) - Balc 2013.mp3 (2.53 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E50) - Nume de flori.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E47) - Vaccinul.mp3 (2.51 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E71) - Autobuzul zburator.mp3 (2.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E19) - Valentin si C8idon.mp3 (2.47 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E38) - Pastele Catolic.mp3 (2.46 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E11) - Universitatea de Sat Ţărania.mp3 (2.44 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E27) - Paduchii.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E57) - Papusa.mp3 (2.42 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E65) - Proteste Turcesti.mp3 (2.41 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E17) - Calul.mp3 (2.41 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E54) - Drog de sejur.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E70) - Plaja Palmisoara.mp3 (2.35 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E59) - Noaptea Muzeelor 2.mp3 (2.31 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E03) - La Copca.mp3 (2.27 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E72) - Palmisoara 2 (Politistii).mp3 (2.26 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E64) - Cadouri de 1 iunie.mp3 (2.24 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E35) - Ora Pamantului.mp3 (2.24 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E61) - Vijelia.mp3 (2.23 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E55) - Dinamo Steaua, un derby cu somn.mp3 (2.23 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E33) - Scoala cu cartela.mp3 (2.22 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E41) - Românii si gunoiul.mp3 (2.20 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E34) - Dezmembrari urbane.mp3 (2.17 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E08) - Big Brother.mp3 (2.08 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E49) - Luna Roz.mp3 (2.01 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S14E53) - Hristos Adevarat!.mp3 (1.81 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 4] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E32) - Hotline-ul vietii.mp3 (3.87 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E25) - Laura Balaura.mp3 (2.93 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E30) - Se ingroasa gluma.mp3 (2.92 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E01) - Revenirea din vacanta.mp3 (2.90 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E34) - Top 300 luzari.mp3 (2.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E31) - Elodia - The game.mp3 (2.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E28) - Romania in Italia.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E26) - Halloween vs. Luminatie.mp3 (2.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E18) - Trinitas TV.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E37) - Luxury Show.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E35) - Mos Nicolae exista.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E27) - Elodi-mania.mp3 (2.66 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E03) - Sistemul sanitar romanesc.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E13) - Buzuka-man.mp3 (2.62 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E17) - SIAB 2007.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E24) - Sa dormim bine!.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E21) - Bulgarski si romanii.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E29) - Prima zapada.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E06) - Tzigan Fest 2007.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E16) - Bordurile buclucase.mp3 (2.56 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E05) - Viata bate bancul.mp3 (2.53 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E20) - Pensiile private.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E23) - Jiji si strajerii lui.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E08) - Cod galben in Romania.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E22) - Palinca + Caltabosh + Cremesh = Q7.mp3 (2.49 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E19) - Pitz-Bull Terrier.mp3 (2.49 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E12) - Gay vs. Becali TV.mp3 (2.49 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E36) - Reviste deocheate.mp3 (2.47 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E11) - Autocarul furat.mp3 (2.47 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E33) - Voteaza, romane... Noot!.mp3 (2.46 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E39) - Carcotasii la Baia Mare.mp3 (2.45 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E07) - Voteaza-ti patriarhul, romane!.mp3 (2.37 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E04) - Mitingul vacilor.mp3 (2.35 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E38) - Taxa naspetzilor.mp3 (2.34 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E15) - Steaua-Arsenal 0-1.mp3 (2.20 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E40) - Taierea porcului.mp3 (2.18 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E14) - Shtudintele Fratzica.mp3 (2.11 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E10) - Steaua vs. Slavia Praga.mp3 (2.10 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E02) - Super Ionel.mp3 (2.06 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E09) - Prima zi de scoala.mp3 (1.84 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S04E41) - Colindatorii de pe Electrolizei.mp3 (1.67 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 12] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E25) - Congresul Smartphonurilor.mp3 (3.46 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E87) - Seara fotbalistica neagra.mp3 (3.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E88) - Iubiri interetnice.mp3 (3.39 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E22) - Cribs.mp3 (3.28 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E86) - Matrimoniale Ortodoxe.mp3 (3.27 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E47) - OTV, ultimul galop.mp3 (3.26 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E23) - Twente Vs. Steaua, Răzbunare Neg.mp3 (3.22 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E55) - Aur romanesc.mp3 (3.15 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E79) - Ruţu Cămătaru.mp3 (3.15 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E90) - Trabant vs. Jaguar.mp3 (3.12 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E65) - Nationala isi revine.mp3 (3.11 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E10) - Ziua Unirii...suporterilor.mp3 (3.10 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E61) - Lucian.mp3 (3.10 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E17) - Ungureanu.mp3 (3.09 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E59) - Cutremur bulgaresc.mp3 (3.08 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E77) - Bacul si alte dezastre.mp3 (3.05 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E64) - Jubileul Reginei.mp3 (3.05 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E14) - Provizii de Cod Mov.mp3 (3.05 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E81) - Nudistii.mp3 (3.00 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E20) - Steaua Vs. Twente.mp3 (2.97 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E49) - 1 mai in garda.mp3 (2.97 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E52) - Giovani Fecali in Parlament.mp3 (2.94 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E44) - Gigi - the Caşfather.mp3 (2.93 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E51) - Simularea Luzărilor.mp3 (2.89 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E80) - Facultatea.mp3 (2.88 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E83) - Focul din Bucegi.mp3 (2.87 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E07) - Proteste 2.mp3 (2.83 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E62) - Hackerii de pe Electrolizei.mp3 (2.83 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E13) - Boschetarul.mp3 (2.83 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E68) - Calatoria cu Nashul.mp3 (2.81 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E58) - Noaptea Muzeelor.mp3 (2.80 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E35) - Agroturism Pascal.mp3 (2.79 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E41) - Prinţul Harry Şi Pălinca Filizofală.mp3 (2.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E38) - Păcăleli Nereuşite.mp3 (2.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E50) - Gigi Primarul.mp3 (2.76 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E24) - Frătzică De La Strehaia.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E08) - Proteste 3 - Jandarmul Fratzica.mp4.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E84) - Dragostea din Sant.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E34) - Shaorma Tradiţională.mp3 (2.71 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E48) - Madagascar.mp3 (2.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E19) - Comandamentul Gigi.mp3 (2.67 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E21) - Carnavalul.mp3 (2.66 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E71) - Steag Rosu.mp3 (2.66 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E05) - Raed.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E46) - Nunta Mileniului.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E11) - Zăpada Ucigaşă.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E09) - Summitul Vânătorilor De La Balc.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E93) - A2, Michel Telo si Radu Mazare.mp3 (2.61 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E89) - Gigi Becali si Sharon Stone.mp3 (2.61 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E45) - Nunta Lui Pepe.mp3 (2.60 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E31) - Ziua Prieteniei Româno-Maghiare.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E32) - Sf. Patrick La Grătar.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E16) - Cod Portocaliu De Şcoli Închise.mp3 (2.57 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E06) - Proteste.mp3 (2.57 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E75) - 4 iulie.mp3 (2.55 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E26) - Mărţişor Pe Caiet.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E01) - Templatiştii.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E40) - Elöre Paştele!.mp3 (2.51 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E94) - Furtuna de nisip.mp3 (2.51 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E66) - Facultatea de primari.mp3 (2.49 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E67) - Cumparaturi pe dezbracate.mp3 (2.49 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E57) - Taxa Pe Bere.mp3 (2.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E28) - 8 Martie.mp3 (2.45 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E91) - Maria vs. Marina.mp3 (2.45 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E69) - Camnicula.mp3 (2.45 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E92) - Lady Caca.mp3 (2.44 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E39) - Berlineşti.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E18) - Zacusctine's Day.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E76) - Miting de iulie.mp3 (2.42 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E72) - Favorizarea infractorului Adiţă.mp3 (2.42 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E30) - Bugetarul.mp3 (2.42 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E15) - C8il Boc demisioneaza.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E36) - Un Beţiv În 4 Labe.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E04) - Sănătate, România!.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E73) - Sustinem agricultura.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E60) - Descinderi Ţigăneşti.mp3 (2.39 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E02) - Dezamorsăm Bombe!.mp3 (2.39 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E42) - Clopotele Buclucaşe.mp3 (2.36 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E95) - Suveniruri crestine.mp3 (2.36 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E78) - Luceafarul (Contemporan Mix).mp3 (2.35 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E37) - Piciorul.mp3 (2.34 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E12) - Gerula.mp3 (2.31 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E29) - 40 De Pahare.mp3 (2.28 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E56) - Ploi de mai.mp3 (2.27 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E85) - Români la Olimpiada.mp3 (2.23 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E63) - 1 Iunie Se Întoarce.mp3 (2.20 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E82) - Crocodilul.mp3 (2.17 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E27) - Clasa Zero.mp3 (2.17 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E54) - Let's Do It, Romania!.mp3 (2.14 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E53) - Ziua Marii Finale.mp3 (2.09 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E43) - Nelutzu Mielutzu'.mp3 (2.06 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E03) - Agheazma.mp3 (2.05 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E33) - Liber De Ziua Ta, Române!.mp3 (2.00 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E74) - Cu Cortul In Vamă.mp3 (1.98 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S12E70) - Plagiatorul.mp3 (1.61 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 11] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E16) - Romania-Grecia, o victorie epocala.mp3 (3.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E17) - Romania in ceatza.mp3 (3.25 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E25) - Regio.mp3 (3.05 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E26) - Vrajitoarele Reloaded.mp3 (3.05 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E24) - Probleme in Zona Euro.mp3 (2.95 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E29) - Craciunul Saracilor.mp3 (2.92 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E28) - Revolutionarii.mp3 (2.84 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E09) - Salonul Auto de Strafuri Bucuresti 2011.mp3 (2.78 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E02) - Rezervatia Naturala Costesti.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E23) - Jean Monnet.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E01) - Inaugurarea National Arena.mp3 (2.71 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E05) - Let's do it, Romania!.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E27) - Autostrada.mp3 (2.68 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E22) - Moshu'.mp3 (2.68 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E11) - Protest anti-francezi.mp3 (2.66 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E20) - Bradul.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E03) - Scoala - Funeriu Edition.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E14) - Sah-Mat.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E21) - Mistretu'.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E12) - Recensamantul.mp3 (2.61 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E04) - Partidul Popoului.mp3 (2.60 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E15) - Politistul moralist.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E19) - Black Friday.mp3 (2.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E18) - Betivanul anului.mp3 (2.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E08) - Moastele.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E13) - Deveseloo.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E07) - Jucu.mp3 (2.38 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E10) - Sf. Parascheva 2 (RACLA Edition).mp3 (2.02 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S11E06) - Reclama Discote-Fluturele.mp3 (1.15 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 13] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E48) - Spovedania.mp3 (3.33 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E37) - Primavara Europeana.mp3 (3.29 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E41) - Ziua Marilor Români.mp3 (3.29 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E29) - La multi ani, Traiane!.mp3 (3.29 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E23) - Infrangere portocalie.mp3 (3.27 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E31) - Cum sa fii prost la televizor.mp3 (3.25 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E08) - Romania-Andorra.mp3 (3.23 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E06) - Procesul Rescursurilor Etapei.mp3 (3.20 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E18) - iGod.mp3 (3.19 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E02) - Depres-Iris.mp3 (3.11 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E03) - Nunta lui EBa.mp3 (3.07 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E20) - Vrajitorul din Goz.mp3 (3.01 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E34) - Politia Autostrazilor.mp3 (2.96 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E32) - Ciorile.mp3 (2.91 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E46) - Fumatul Interzis.mp3 (2.90 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E11) - Dentistul.mp3 (2.89 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E14) - Boschetarul 2.mp3 (2.89 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E19) - Poluare fonica.mp3 (2.86 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E33) - Votati Gigi Becali!.mp3 (2.84 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E53) - Realizari la final de an.mp3 (2.84 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E15) - Iisus pe frunza.mp3 (2.81 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E42) - Mos Nicolae 2.mp3 (2.81 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E30) - Obama.mp3 (2.79 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E47) - Cersetorul.mp3 (2.78 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E26) - Calatorie cu Nashul.mp3 (2.78 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E04) - Bomba la Ambasada Ungariei.mp3 (2.76 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E12) - Ursu.mp3 (2.74 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E05) - 112.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E38) - Fekete Friday.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E21) - Batalia de la Saracioglu.mp3 (2.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E50) - Mos Craciun (S13E50).mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E10) - Back to school.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E13) - Cantina saracului.mp3 (2.68 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E51) - Amintiri despre Craciun.mp3 (2.67 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E49) - Apocalipsa Mayasilor.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E16) - Latrina.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E43) - Gumuciucuri de iarna.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E27) - Chlamydia.mp3 (2.61 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E01) - Violul.mp3 (2.61 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E45) - Inzapeziri.mp3 (2.55 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E39) - Hackerul.mp3 (2.53 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E40) - Andrei.mp3 (2.51 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E28) - Luminatia.mp3 (2.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E07) - Costesti 2012.mp3 (2.47 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E17) - Unguru' est mort. Vive le Unguru'!.mp3 (2.42 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E35) - Nu beti la Volan!.mp3 (2.41 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E22) - Sf. Parascheva Reloaded.mp3 (2.34 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E44) - Votul.mp3 (2.30 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E36) - Pana de curent.mp3 (2.22 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E52) - Eliminam Grasimile.mp3 (2.18 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E24) - Mitingul.mp3 (2.14 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E25) - Trabantul in flacari.mp3 (2.08 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S13E09) - Sarbatorile de toamna Sf. iPhone 5.mp3 (1.85 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 3] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E03) - Romanul si Basescu.mp3 (3.25 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E18) - Razbunare dubla.mp3 (2.97 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E05) - 1 Mai la gratare.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E22) - Romanii si aerul conditionat neprofitabil.mp3 (2.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E08) - Teze pentru copii care emit CO2.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E19) - Gayfest 2007.mp3 (2.35 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E07) - Pregatiri de ziua barbatului.mp3 (2.31 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E09) - Masini de 50.000 de euro.mp3 (2.28 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E04) - Noua moneda de schimb.mp3 (2.28 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E01) - Vineri 13.mp3 (2.27 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E23) - Justitiarul zgomotului.mp3 (2.26 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E20) - Dj Nelu live@ Bucuresti 1990.mp3 (2.25 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E17) - Spre retur inainte (Slovenia - Romania).mp3 (2.22 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E16) - 1 iunie.mp3 (2.11 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E14) - Gata interimatul.mp3 (1.95 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E24) - Mergem in vacanta!.mp3 (1.93 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E06) - Pepe pilotul.mp3 (1.79 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E11) - Salariile mogulilor.mp3 (1.78 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E13) - NU pentru DA.mp3 (1.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E10) - Eurovision 2007.mp3 (1.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E21) - Politicieni la TV.mp3 (1.67 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E12) - Referendum din nou.mp3 (1.19 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E15) - Romania la Palm D'Or.mp3 (1.16 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S03E02) - Protesteaza, române!.mp3 (976.85 KB) |
| | [Sezonul 5] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E16) - Campionatul discordiei.mp3 (3.18 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E40) - Ria Ria Romania (cu Toni Tecuceanu).mp3 (3.13 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E41) - Fratzica vs. Gigi (cu Toni Tecuceanu).mp3 (3.05 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E23) - Pregatiri de summit.mp3 (3.03 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E18) - Ziua fomeilor.mp3 (2.96 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E02) - Ambulantza cu manele.mp3 (2.94 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E12) - Impozit pe respiratie.mp3 (2.79 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E26) - George Tufis la Romania.mp3 (2.78 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E27) - Baby Expo.mp3 (2.76 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E13) - Eurovisionul strainilor.mp3 (2.75 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E08) - Suzi cea cu taci din gura.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E04) - Cuza si internetul.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E37) - Eurovisionu' pretenilor.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E03) - Loteria luzarilor.mp3 (2.68 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E22) - Punguta cu 10.000 euro.mp3 (2.67 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E11) - Elöre PRM.mp3 (2.66 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E32) - 1 mai mucitoresque.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E17) - Martisoare si babe.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E05) - Cioaca reloadia.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E14) - Soferul lunii.mp3 (2.60 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E38) - 1 iunie patat.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E29) - Unguru' la Dakar.mp3 (2.57 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E19) - Postul Pastelui.mp3 (2.56 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E34) - Orice pentru un vot.mp3 (2.44 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E01) - La multi ani 2008!.mp3 (2.41 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E10) - Vedeta anului.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E06) - Taxa de inmatriculare.mp3 (2.39 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E15) - Tzara bantuita.mp3 (2.38 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E33) - Gata campionatul.mp3 (2.35 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E28) - Avelo votelo, domnu'!.mp3 (2.34 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E20) - La multi ani, frate ungur!.mp3 (2.32 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E09) - Arz-o focu' iubire.mp3 (2.29 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E25) - Aprilish boundish.mp3 (2.27 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E35) - Carburanti din alocatie.mp3 (2.21 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E21) - Norme de supravietuire.mp3 (2.19 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E07) - Elöre CFR!.mp3 (2.18 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E36) - La multi ani, Constantina si Elen.mp3 (2.05 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E30) - Post in Vinerea Mare.mp3 (2.00 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E39) - Reteta zilei - terci politic.mp3 (1.97 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E24) - Nu zaietz nu pagadi!.mp3 (1.44 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S05E31) - Urare de pe Electrolizei.mp3 (993.18 KB) |
| | [Sezonul 10] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E10) - Vrajitoarele.mp3 (3.12 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E53) - Izbanda in San Marino.mp3 (3.05 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E44) - Bacu'.mp3 (2.91 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E27) - Nati a liberat la CNN.mp3 (2.84 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E05) - Summitul Vanatorilor de la Balc.mp3 (2.84 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E24) - Romania-Luxemburg, un meci epocal.mp3 (2.80 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E54) - Sf. Marie - Sarbatoarea.mp3 (2.79 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E32) - Nunta Regala.mp3 (2.76 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E23) - Bosnia-Romania.mp3 (2.76 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E50) - Steaua-Echipa Mileniului.mp3 (2.75 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E34) - The Casino.mp3 (2.74 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E04) - Rezerva Nationala de Algocalmin.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E29) - In pelerinaj cu Gigi.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E36) - Apocalipsa.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E19) - Ziua Ungariei.mp3 (2.71 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E06) - Ziua Unirii pe Facebook.mp3 (2.71 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E26) - Fratzica matrimonialu'.mp3 (2.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E37) - Steaua-Dinamo, meciul orgoliilor.mp3 (2.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E20) - Pastila cu iod.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E22) - Fregata.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E25) - Stirile apriliste.mp3 (2.68 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E28) - Duminica Floriilor.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E15) - Martisor contemporan.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E09) - Prinsi in avalansa.mp3 (2.61 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E35) - Printul Charles si bastinasii romani.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E52) - National Arena.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E11) - Valentine's Day.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E43) - Radiatii romanesti, protectie romaneasca.mp3 (2.57 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E21) - Vivat Lucian Bute!.mp3 (2.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E40) - Brazilia-Romania.mp3 (2.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E49) - Focoasele.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E33) - 1 mai mucitoresque.mp3 (2.46 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E02) - Apocalipsa pe Electrolizei.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E01) - La ciordit de zarzavat.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E18) - C8ilu' si absentzele.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E12) - Licitatia din biserica.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E51) - Vine Messi in Romania.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E39) - Nationala de legume cu E-Coli.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E38) - Ziua copilului demodat.mp3 (2.38 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E03) - Protest la pompa.mp3 (2.36 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E47) - Babes-Bolfosh.mp3 (2.36 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E14) - Vamesii si pietele ne mananca zilele.mp3 (2.33 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E31) - Colebilul de Paste.mp3 (2.31 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E45) - Grecu' Bulan.mp3 (2.30 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E46) - Contestatia.mp3 (2.29 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E17) - Mancarea saracului, luxul romanului.mp3 (2.29 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E30) - Yepu.mp3 (2.26 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E16) - Cum fac romanii economie.mp3 (2.24 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E41) - www.doamne-ajuta.ro.mp3 (2.22 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E08) - Revolutie in Egipt.mp3 (2.06 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E13) - Fratzica Mondialu'.mp3 (2.05 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E48) - Bute-Meciul Mileniului.mp3 (2.04 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E42) - A venit vacanta!.mp3 (1.99 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S10E07) - Metode romanesti anti-frig.mp3 (1.74 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 6] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E02) - Sheptic fatal.mp3 (2.96 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E03) - A 3-1 oara la masa smecherilor (cu Toni Tecuceanu).mp3 (2.76 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E11) - C8ilu' si criza financiara.mp3 (2.71 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E12) - Un meci, o revenire, NU!.mp3 (2.67 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E22) - Elöre pârtie!.mp3 (2.67 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E06) - Sfarsitul lumii.mp3 (2.66 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E09) - Joia neagra a fotbalului romanesc.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E10) - Cancan mania.mp3 (2.61 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E23) - Criza i-a innebunit pe toti.mp3 (2.56 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E08) - Hai sa ne-mbogatim!.mp3 (2.53 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E01) - Ce-ati facut in vacanta.mp3 (2.53 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E19) - Precum campionatul, asa si derby-urile.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E13) - Logan Police edition.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E24) - Doi de-un leu.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E17) - C8ilu' microbist.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E04) - Arz-o focu' saracie.mp3 (2.49 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E16) - Rata ucigasa.mp3 (2.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E20) - Vremuri de Rahan.mp3 (2.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E14) - Steaua jos rasare.mp3 (2.47 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E21) - Totu-ndarat.mp3 (2.47 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E15) - Ne-am romanizat si noi.mp3 (2.44 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E07) - Elöre CFR din nou.mp3 (2.41 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E05) - Rusinea Europei.mp3 (2.37 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E25) - Vine primul Mosh.mp3 (2.22 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E26) - Epidemia de carne.mp3 (1.91 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E27) - Colindatorii de pe Electrolizei 2.mp3 (1.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S06E18) - Pentru toate celelalte.mp3 (1.14 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 7] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E33) - Un derby cam sters.mp3 (2.94 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E28) - Romania Land of Choice.mp3 (2.71 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E21) - Mai bine nu stiam.mp3 (2.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E39) - Pregatiri de meci in ziua mediului.mp3 (2.66 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E02) - Convorbirile transparente.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E31) - Cu trenul de 1 mai.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E22) - Becali TV Reloaded.mp3 (2.62 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E43) - O finala fair-play.mp3 (2.61 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E07) - L'ungherese Bulan.mp3 (2.61 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E16) - Morcovi de suparare.mp3 (2.60 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E52) - Spirtu Haret.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E08) - Berea cu somn.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E11) - Cu Tarzan pe autostrada.mp3 (2.55 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E34) - Tzara obezilor.mp3 (2.55 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E10) - Martisoare de la babe.mp3 (2.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E55) - Podul.mp3 (2.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E56) - Cod galben reloaded.mp3 (2.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E42) - Extraterestri la Baicoi.mp3 (2.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E51) - Instigatorii din Ghencea.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E49) - Mancati la litoral.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E14) - Party de ziua ungurilor.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E05) - Liber la Elvetia.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E37) - Moastele fake-uri.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E12) - 8 martie de criza.mp3 (2.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E36) - Tzara fara toalete.mp3 (2.47 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E25) - Tzeapa anului.mp3 (2.46 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E35) - Base in MM.mp3 (2.45 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E15) - Organe cumparam!.mp3 (2.44 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E09) - Tractorul cu NOS.mp3 (2.44 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E03) - Electrolizei - ascunzatoare mondiala.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E04) - Le avem cu muzica.mp3 (2.42 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E17) - Nu mai radeti, copii!.mp3 (2.41 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E13) - Muci-enicii de pe Electrolizei.mp3 (2.39 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E26) - Tzara manevrelor.mp3 (2.39 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E44) - Esti bostan si castigi...care este.mp3 (2.38 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E32) - Greva chiulangiilor.mp3 (2.37 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E19) - Meci in intuneric.mp3 (2.36 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E53) - Voi stiti ce aglomerat a fost....mp3 (2.36 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E40) - Votul cvintuplu.mp3 (2.34 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E06) - Vineri 13 din nou.mp3 (2.31 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E27) - Gigi a liberat - Adevarat!.mp3 (2.30 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E24) - Paste vs Florii.mp3 (2.25 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E50) - Nu ciorditzi din peco.mp3 (2.24 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E30) - Gripa Porcina.mp3 (2.22 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E54) - La plaja cu prosopul.mp3 (2.22 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E20) - Pacaleala pacalelilor.mp3 (2.21 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E45) - Jaful de la Erdeesh.mp3 (2.20 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E41) - Plescoi, brand national.mp3 (2.18 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E46) - Un popor beutor.mp3 (2.18 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E23) - Traficantul de iepuri.mp3 (2.15 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E47) - Bestfest 09.mp3 (1.99 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E18) - Intrusul la bere.mp3 (1.93 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E38) - Ziua Copilului.mp3 (1.91 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E29) - Cutremurul 2.mp3 (1.88 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E48) - La inmormantare.mp3 (1.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S07E01) - Plugusor de criza.mp3 (1.48 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 8] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E10) - Politica in Romania (teatru radiofonic).mp3 (2.91 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E60) - Turismul ecumenic.mp3 (2.87 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E06) - Dreptate si Fratzica.mp3 (2.82 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E05) - CSI Zacusca.mp3 (2.81 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E71) - Telefonul lui Pitzi.mp3 (2.76 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E08) - Solutii de greva pentru bolnavi.mp3 (2.76 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E56) - Anarhie la Sonisphere.mp3 (2.75 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E62) - Boc vs. Fratzica.mp3 (2.74 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E32) - Suparat pe manele.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E30) - Lotul national de curling la Vancouver.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E49) - Campionatul cu scandal.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E16) - Precolinda electorala.mp3 (2.71 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E54) - Integrala Fratzica Dobre.mp3 (2.71 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E12) - Centrala nucleara de pe Somes.mp3 (2.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E72) - Cum e turcu-i si pistolul.mp3 (2.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E39) - Recensamantul masinilor la romani.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E20) - Cu masina prin nameti.mp3 (2.68 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E33) - Martisorul Bulan.mp3 (2.67 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E02) - Gigi si Fratzicodi.mp3 (2.67 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E14) - Romania in carantina.mp3 (2.67 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E69) - Romanii au OZN-uri in cap.mp3 (2.66 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E14b) - Sf. Gavril si Mihai Viteazul.mp3 (2.66 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E18) - Egal perfect la Cotroceni.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E38) - Paste Online.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E28) - Romania Alba.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E67) - Contestatiile auto.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E34) - 8 martie in poze.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E03) - Bulon negativ.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E25) - Fratzica parapsihologu'.mp3 (2.62 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E52) - Romania-Macedonia.mp3 (2.62 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E61) - O vizita la Casa Poporului.mp3 (2.60 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E53) - Fratzica & The Funky Bunch live from Nutzu Camataru's Redemption.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E11) - Ultrasii Urziceniului.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E15) - Invazia electoralelor.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E13) - Echipele mari, la gara!.mp3 (2.58 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E07) - Criza de ministri.mp3 (2.57 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E63) - Un weekend pe litoral.mp3 (2.56 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E73) - Balgarija - Explore the Carpathian comunism.mp3 (2.56 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E01) - Incepe scoala de criza.mp3 (2.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E42) - Taximetristul poliglot.mp3 (2.54 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E27) - Sf. Mihai Eminescu.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E26) - Cod portocaliu in frigider.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E29) - Cod portocaliu de veselie etnobotanica.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E57) - Boc, lopatarul de pe Electrolizei.mp3 (2.50 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E21) - Ce mai primim de Craciun.mp3 (2.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E70) - Ciorditorii din Ghencea.mp3 (2.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E59) - Spitalul pe romaneste.mp3 (2.44 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E66) - Pestele Dragon.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E43) - Cardul PSD.mp3 (2.38 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E58) - Dihorul prezicator Vasile.mp3 (2.35 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E64) - Nostalgii ceausiste.mp3 (2.34 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E65) - Goana dupa bonuri.mp3 (2.32 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E04) - Legalizare cu cantec.mp3 (2.32 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E50) - Eurovision 2010.mp3 (2.31 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E31) - Gropile si salvamontii.mp3 (2.28 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E47) - Si a fost AC DC.mp3 (2.28 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E68) - Avionul Carpathian Garden.mp3 (2.27 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E17) - Ceata electorala.mp3 (2.24 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E09) - Chinchilla Zero.mp3 (2.23 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E23) - Meniu romanesc de Revelion.mp3 (2.21 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E40) - Gorbaciov in Romania.mp3 (2.21 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E48) - Cod Rosu - Aqualand in Romania.mp3 (2.20 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E35) - Dinamo-Steaua, derby-ul suporterilor.mp3 (2.15 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E19) - Glume fraudate.mp3 (2.14 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E37) - Pacaleala dubla.mp3 (2.12 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E51) - Ce-si mai doresc copiii de 1 iunie.mp3 (2.12 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E45) - Ziua barbatului si nu numai.mp3 (2.06 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E44) - Atentatul cu surubelnita.mp3 (2.00 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E36) - Limbajuri Europarlamentaruri.mp3 (1.96 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E22) - Hotul de armament.mp3 (1.89 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E55) - Viitura de pe Electrolizei.mp3 (1.89 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E41) - Noru.mp3 (1.51 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E24) - Si Sorcova-i de criza.mp3 (1.30 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S08E46) - Pastila cu reducere 25%.mp3 (1.27 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 1] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E15) - Steaua 1 - Real 4.mp3 (2.91 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E16) - In armata.mp3 (2.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E21) - 1 a lui decemvrie.mp3 (2.70 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E22) - Mos Nicolae.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E23) - Elöre Debrecen.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E18) - Steaua - OL.mp3 (2.49 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E14) - Steaua - Real.mp3 (2.47 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E13) - Francofonii.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E04) - Erdeesh 4.mp3 (2.29 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E20) - Cutremurul.mp3 (2.29 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E19) - Real - Steaua.mp3 (2.29 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E17) - Buzuka in PRM.mp3 (2.13 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E09) - Steaua - Rapid sfertul 2.mp3 (2.12 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E05) - Steaua - Middlesbrough retur.mp3 (2.08 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E08) - Steaua in semifinala.mp3 (2.02 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E07) - Steaua - Middlesbrough.mp3 (2.00 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E12) - Forza Steaua - Rapid.mp3 (1.99 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E11) - Steaua - Rapid semifinala.mp3 (1.93 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E06) - Steaua 1-0 'Boro.mp3 (1.83 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E03) - Erdeesh 3.mp3 (1.80 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E10) - Rapid - Steaua egalitate.mp3 (1.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E02) - Erdeesh 2.mp3 (997.62 KB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S01E01) - Erdeesh.mp3 (860.60 KB) |
| | [Sezonul 9] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E16) - Ce semnifica 1 decembrie.mp3 (2.74 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E14) - Nationala fara bulan.mp3 (2.73 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E13) - Ultima noapte de slanina, prima noapte de pate vegetal.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E17) - Mos Nicolae pe Electrolizei.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E08) - O alta infrangere, aceeasi nationala.mp3 (2.69 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E09) - Sf. Parascheva pe Facebook.mp3 (2.68 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E05) - Elore CFR oltenesc.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E15) - Cartu, Tandarica al fotbalului romanesc.mp3 (2.65 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E19) - 10 pentru Electrolizei.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E06) - Cum sa fii antrenor la Steaua.mp3 (2.64 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E12) - Halloween de criza.mp3 (2.63 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E07) - Gigi, ministru de interne.mp3 (2.61 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E11) - Focul de tabara din parcare.mp3 (2.60 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E22) - Mancam si aruncam.mp3 (2.59 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E10) - Greva de la finante, greva tuturor.mp3 (2.49 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E04) - Cum incepe scoala in 2010.mp3 (2.39 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E03) - Sorin Fratzica Vantu inchis.mp3 (2.20 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E20) - Bronzul sportului romanesc.mp3 (2.11 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E02) - Mergem la Euro.mp3 (1.97 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E23) - Plugusorul foamei.mp3 (1.82 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E01) - Circul de Stat.mp3 (1.82 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E21) - Limbaje hrusciene de Craciun.mp3 (1.77 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S09E18) - Porcul de vanzare.mp3 (1.70 MB) |
| | [Sezonul 2] |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E21) - Olanda-Romania.mp3 (2.72 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E23) - Pacaleli de 1 aprilie.mp3 (2.56 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E09) - Unguru' + Romanul Fratzica = Iubire.mp3 (2.56 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E24) - Pepe haiducul.mp3 (2.53 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E06) - Inghesuiala la Borsa.mp3 (2.52 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E22) - Romania-Luxemburg 100-0.mp3 (2.48 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E07) - Romania - Moldova.mp3 (2.46 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E01) - Euro - An nou fericit.mp3 (2.45 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E14) - Becali TV angajeaza.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E17) - Asteniile de primavara.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E19) - Povesti pentru copii gay.mp3 (2.43 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E12) - Kanal Turk.mp3 (2.41 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E04) - Otita lui Fratzica.mp3 (2.40 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E15) - Am intalnit si romani fericiti.mp3 (2.38 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E03) - Jamuri XP.mp3 (2.34 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E18) - Otita recidiveaza.mp3 (2.27 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E11) - Steaua pierde, oamenii se-mbata.mp3 (2.26 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E20) - Parcari ilegale.mp3 (2.22 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E16) - Urare de 8 martie.mp3 (2.17 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E13) - Fratzica si Petrica.mp3 (2.17 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E02) - Taxa de inmatriculare.mp3 (2.17 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E05) - UTA - Debrecen.mp3 (2.14 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E25) - Obiceiuri de Paste.mp3 (2.14 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E10) - Ilonka.mp3 (2.13 MB) |
| | | Unguru' Bulan (S02E08) - Fratzica si Marutza.mp3 (2.06 MB) |