The Hormone Factory - Saskia Goldschmidt full version book was indexed by WarezHound on 2014-12-09 00:45:29 in Category > Books > Ebooks under the info hash 089d92da095ea0109b1b15baea1668fd5d023128 and was uploaded by Admin. This download package has a total file size of 2.44 MB containing 3 files.
From the throes of his death bed, Dutch pharmaceutical entrepreneur and megalomaniac Mordecai de Paauw reflects on his life as the co-founder and CEO of Farmacon: the first company to standardize and distribute the contraceptive pill worldwide. With the future of his family business threatened by Hitler\'s precipitous rise to power and his sexual exploitation of the factory\'s women soon to be exposed, he struggles to keep his vision afloat, forcing him to choose between his own misguided impulses and his ethically minded Jewish family.
An incisive psychological portrait of the inseparable bond between ruthlessness and unbridled capitalism, THE HORMONE FACTORY weaves questions of scientific integrity, sibling rivalry, and sex into a narrative that is as troubling as it is illuminating
Files list (total 2.44 MB in 3 files)
The Hormone Factory - Saskia Goldschmidt.epub (2.13 MB)